Meeting documents

SCC Human Resources Committee
Tuesday, 21st January, 2020 2.00 pm

  • Meeting of Human Resources Committee, Tuesday 21st January 2020 2.00 pm (Item 16.)


The Chair of the Committee invited the Director of HR and OD to update the Committee and he explained that discussions were on-going, as part of the Council’s transformation agenda, which included a revised format for the Scrutiny function, and was also considering the most appropriate format for HR and OD matters.


There was a brief discussion and Members requested that the Committee hold meetings only when it had items to consider and not hold meetings for meetings sake.  It was noted that neither the Audit Committee or one of the Scrutiny Committees would be a suitable arena for HR and OD matters, as authority to consider those items had been devolved from Full Council to the Committee. 


It was suggested and agreed that an update report would be brought to a future meeting.


The Chair of the Committee invited the Director of HR and OD to update the Committee and he explained that discussions were on-going, as part of the Council’s transformation agenda, which included a revised format for the Scrutiny function, and was also considering the most appropriate format for HR and OD matters.


There was a brief discussion and Members requested that the Committee hold meetings only when it had items to consider and not hold meetings for meetings sake.  It was noted that neither the Audit Committee or one of the Scrutiny Committees would be a suitable arena for HR and OD matters, as authority to consider those items had been devolved from Full Council to the Committee. 


It was suggested and agreed that an update report on this topic would be brought to a future meeting.